Michelle Mae Cameron

Michelle Mae Cameron

Michelle Cameron has been creating in the Wellington screen sector for 7+ years as a director, cinematographer, editor and producer.

In 2015 she graduated top of her class at the New Zealand Film and Television school in editing as well as Most Outstanding Student where she was awarded a scholarship to kick-start her career. She was mentored by the late, well-known New Zealand filmmaker Tony Hiles.

In 2019, Michelle was awarded a $10,000 grant from Mental Health Foundation New Zealand for her debut documentary and partly animated webseries ‘Fight or Flight.’ The series aimed to de-stigmatize stereotypes around social anxiety. Apart from directing, Michelle also edited the 7 episode title over 3 years. This project was supported by Like Minds, Like Mine, Emerging Artist's Trust.

Presently, she produces educational and promotional content for Victoria University of Wellington whilst developing independent projects.

Most notably, she has been a filmmaker and editor for Silver Noodle Soup, a disabilities arts performance troupe who have filmed a slew of short, green-screened skits devised by their talented, young artists.

Fight or Flight